Video: Secret Cities ‘Pink City’

August 24, 2010

Back in May, we gave you a sneak-peak of Secret Cities’ debut album ‘Pink Graffiti’ which was released a couple of weeks ago (July 29th) via Western Vinyl. ‘Pink City’ is the latest video in support of that album, which was made from an old 1970s State of George Department of Educations video. Great stuff, check it:

And if you don’t have ‘Pink Graffiti’ yet… What are you waiting for? Pick up your copy here and download the tracks ‘Boyfriends’ and ‘Pink Graffiti Pt. 1’ for free (compliments of Secret City) below:

Download: Secret Cities: ‘Boyfriends’

Download: Secret Cities: ‘Pink Graffiti Pt. 1’